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Expert Series: Meet Coco and Discover her Insights on the Year of the Wood Dragon

Read about spiritual healing journey and soul coaching with Coco Chan

Welcome to our expert series, where we have the pleasure of introducing Coco, a highly respected and well-known soul coach and healer. Coco's expertise in guiding individuals on their spiritual journeys and healing journeys is unparalleled, and we are thrilled to have her as our brand ambassador. In this edition, Coco will share her personal experiences and offer invaluable insights into what we can expect in the Year of the Wood Dragon. Get ready to embark on a transformative healing journey with Coco as your guide for spiritual journey health and wellness. 

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Coco’s healing journey was not a choice rather it was a transformative experience that unfolded unexpectedly during a period of intense and turbulent burnout in her mid-20s. After finding herself in a hospital bed, she realized the urgent need to prioritize her health and well-being, both physically and mentally. This rude awakening led her to explore various alternative healing modalities.

As she delved deeper into the world of healing, she discovered a profound passion for it. She began sharing her newfound knowledge with a small circle of close friends, but it soon took on a life of its own. The impact she witnessed in the lives of those she helped inspired her to pursue a path as a soul coach and healer as her life path.

Driven by a sincere belief that everyone deserves to live a life of wholeness, she is dedicated to supporting and guiding individuals who are open and willing to heal their heart and soul. Her work is an expression of her genuine desire to guide others in their journey of deepening toward a more fulfilled and purposeful life.

With a profound understanding of the transformative power of healing, she approaches her soul work with compassion, empathy, and a commitment to personal growth. Through her practice, her intention is to create a safe and nurturing space for individuals to explore their inner selves, release emotional burdens, and cultivate a deep sense of self-awareness and empowerment.

Her own experiences with burnout and healing have shaped her approach, making her work relatable and grounded in authenticity. She believes in the inherent resilience and potential for growth within each individual, and she strives to help others tap into their inner wisdom and ignite positive transformation in their lives.

Ultimately, her journey from the dark night of the soul to becoming a soul coach and healer has been a profound personal evolution. By sharing her knowledge, skills, and compassionate guidance, she aspires to make a meaningful difference in the lives of those seeking healing and a more heart led life.

 Sustainable family fashion in Hong Kong and the predictions on the Year of the wood dragon and healing journey

Please share your general prediction for Year for the Wood Dragon and what energy shifts we will feel?

The themes of The Year of the Wood Dragon: Light, Leadership and Power.

This will be a year in which the collective will have these 3 themes on the top of their mind throughout the year.

Light: Working through our old stories and beliefs around not being seen or not allowing ourselves to be seen. This year we will be met with opportunities and thoughts that invite us to surrender more deeply into ourselves and give permission towards self to shine our light even brighter into the world creating more positive change within ourselves and within our communities.

Journal Prompt for self: How can you share your light with others unapologetically for the betterment of the world?

Leadership: Many of us will feel this new surge of motivation to step up in different ways this year. No matter what role you hold in life whether in personal or career life - there will be moments for us to lead with more authenticity and purpose.

Journal prompt for self: How am I being called to lead this year? How can I impact others towards positive change this year through my passion and purpose?

Power: THIS is a major global theme this year. The misuse of power in the past, how it’ll be reconciled, how power will be alchemised of its darker connotations into a source and fuel for good.

Journal prompt to self: How can I harness the power for good within me to create lasting impact within the community? Where can I speak up for injustices to become an instigator for positive change?

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 Predictions for the Year of the Wood Dragon for Each Zodiac

  • Dragon - Surrendering to the moments of life that challenge you with grace and compassion. Learning to deepen your communication skills. A commitment towards deeper self love and stepping into your inner leader to guide with integrity.
  • Snake - The courage to dive deeper into self discovery and personal transformation. To take note of when to purify your mind, body, heart and soul of negative beliefs, situations and experiences. Learn to put yourself first. Creating space to receive divine inspiration and lots of travel opportunities ahead.
  • Horse - Prepare for delightful journeys and adventures ahead! Lots of moments for deeper heart healing (this will have different meaning for each Horse - love, family, career, etc). Opportunity in finding a divine counterpart this year. A year of success in ways beyond your imagination are culminating.
  • Goat (or Sheep) — Emerging from the darkness into a new light of self. Discovering new truths about the world, your inner world and new ideas. A year of deep inner discovery. A chance to meet your divine counterpart and deepen that bond. Finding a new sense of freedom.
  • Monkey — A year of going within to find what truly sparks joy and passion within your heart. Finding a new path towards living a life that you love and an encounter with a new soul partner. For those already coupled, your relationship with your partner will deepen.
  • Rooster — Moments through the year to clear out the cobwebs of the past. Leaving the past in the past to create a clear path to move forward. As you walk forward in life, a new sense of passion and courage ignites within. Be open to new love entering your life - it will crack open your heart even more.
  • Dog — A reflective year of inner journeying. Taking off the perceptions that you grew up with and creating new truths around yourself and life. Believing in yourself and love again. There is so much beauty blossoming and success is on the way.
  • Pig — Deep healing within your heart, mind, body and soul. Learning more around unconditional acceptance towards self and others. As these lessons unfold and become embodied, abundance manifests in all forms.
  • Rat — This year you’re being asked to cleanse your energy field, home and life often as there may be people or experiences that challenge you. Focus on keeping your vibration high. Believe in yourself that you have so much beauty to share with the world.
  • Ox — When life gets hard, redirect your energies towards self. Cleanse, clear and let go of what no longer serves. Your inner radiance is a gift to the world, don’t hide it, SHINE IT even brighter. Have faith that you are being divinely guided and take inspired actions towards your dreams.
  • Tiger — You are finding more peace within the beauty of the simplicity of life. This is a year of awakening for you, your energy levels will rise as you learn to value yourself and deeper your self love.
  • Rabbit — Have an authentic audit of what needs to be let go in your life to make way for your next transformation. Through this release, you are making way for more beauty and abundance to grow within your life.


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What shall we do to prepare for the Year of the Wood Dragon?

There were a few themes of self-discovery, self love and purification of life for the Chinese Zodiac signs. So before we begin the year of the Wood Dragon it would be supportive to take inventory of your entire life — to inquire with self, what’s been going well, what needs to be released, what your new values and intentions are for the new year and how you will hold yourself accountable for the next 12 months. When life feels frantic, always create space to quiet the mind and pour back into your self love practices to gain deeper clarity.

For those who want an energetic cleanse+ reset: Smudge your home (with sage) with windows open with an intention to release all lower vibrations, clearing stagnant energies from your home, space, objects and aura to reset the energies before the new year. Set an intention of what you do want to call in after the smudging.

Get your own sage smudge to cleanse your home, space and aura here

healing journey and year of wood dragon per zodiac

 What are your views on a sustainable lifestyle?

As an individual, business owner and a parent, my views on a sustainable lifestyle are deeply rooted in my desire to create a better place for future generations. The choices we make today have a significant impact on the world we leave behind for our children and future generations.

As a business owner, we can make a difference through policy changes and corporate responsibility in driving systemic change within our organisation. Through supportive initiatives, we can inspire other businesses and team members to lead my example and hope that others will follow.

Sustainability is not just an individual effort; it requires collective action to create lasting impact.

By making conscious choices and influencing others through our actions and advocacy, we can work together to create a better world for our children and ensure a brighter future for all.

How to teach kids about sustainability and sustainable lifestyle

How do you teach your daughter Harper about sustainability?

Harper’s a sponge so I try to lead by example. She learns a great deal by observing my behavior and daily habits.

Read books: We are a family of book lovers so I choose books that celebrate themes around sustainability and environmental conservation. It’s always fun to check in with her after to learn what she received from the book to spark meaningful discussions and get her mind curious on how she can apply it into daily life.

Connect with nature: Spend time outdoors with your daughter and encourage her to explore and appreciate nature. Teach her about the importance of biodiversity and the role of ecosystems in maintaining a healthy planet.

Resourcefulness and minimalism: Help your daughter understand the value of resources and the importance of minimizing waste. Teach her to reuse items, repair instead of replacing, and appreciate the things she has.

Celebrate successes: Celebrate your daughter's efforts and successes in adopting sustainable practices. Positive reinforcement will motivate her and reinforce the importance of sustainability.

What are your and your family's favourite nature/outdoor activities?


Harper and I love the sun and water so beach days are our favourite nature hang out. We love picking seashells and building sandcastles together while spotting different types of wildlife on the beach.



 For more information, please visit Coco's website and follow her on Instagram - we love seeing her sharing her daily journey and inspiration for all of us! 

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